Registered 1/1/2005

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CH Daedream Image Of Excellence

 1 Best Puppy in show, 1BOB at 10 months, Niew Champion at 21 months.

Ellie's first points 

These were from Las Vegas shows.  Saturday and Sunday.  Pictured at 9 months

Ellie is following in her mothers foot steps.  She has 1 Best In Sweepstakes, her 1st 2 points at 9months old, and has a Best Puppy In Show.

Ellie Best In Sweeps  Ellie Best In Sweeps

These were from the same show.  I just couldn't pick a picture.  Pictured at 8 months.

Ellie is a Lillian Daugher.

Sired by CH Apple Acers Net Worth



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All the pictures on this site are mine or I have written permission from the picture owner to use them. 

The information on this site is not to be copied or used for any reason with out written permission.

All the cropping, framing, or writing on them has been done by Dae.

Last updated 4/2015